Sunday, December 31, 2006

Giant Win

Well, way to go, Tiki.

In a game that could well have been his last, Tiki Barber was a hero. He had about 1200 yards and seventeen TDs (I think -- those numbers might not be exactly right) last night, leading the New York (football) Giants to a victory that puts them at 8-8 on the season.

Now, if we win tonight, that puts us at 8-8, too... but, see, here's the thing. The tie-breaking procedures for the playoffs look to something called 'strength of victory' to see who goes and who stays home. The amazing part is that, by virtue of that concept, the Packers could still clinch the 6th seed in the NFC and therefore a Wild Card game... but we need "some help."

[Sorry, give me a minute -- I'm laughing too hard to type this all out.]

Here's who has to win (besides us):
  • Cardinals
  • Lions
  • Dolphins
  • Vikings
  • 49ers
Just to clarify, all of them have to win this afternoon.

Oh, and wait... also ALL of the following teams HAVE to lose:
  • Panthers
  • Texans
  • Buccaneers
Yet (yet!), with all that, don't expect that I won't be tuning in to NBC for tonight's game. It'll be a Happy New Year with Brett and Donald and Ahman on TV.

And I am promising here and now that, if all that has to happen happens and we do get in, I will be doing the following:
  • Buying a PowerBall ticket (with the PowerBall, of course, being 4)
  • Giving up all my vices -- the scotch will all go down the drain, I promise
  • Acquiring a new Packers hat
  • Eating it
That is all.

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